Business user

Start with pre-built mobile apps
If you are a business person, chances are that you found us in one of the App Stores. You had a very specific need for a mobile App – probably tied to your company’s industry – so you searched the App Store and found Snappii Mobile Apps. If you’re like thousands of other Snappii users, you found enough functionality in our pre-built Mobile App to hit the ground running. But you're wondering whether you can modify or customize these apps to meet your specific needs.
All apps are 100% drag-and-drop customizable
The answer is "yes". We can customize the apps to meet 100% of your requirements quickly and inexpensively. You can learn to customize the apps too. The Snappii Mobility Platform was designed for drag and drop visual app development with no coding.
All Apps are Secure, Manageable and Scalable
Snappii was designed with you in mind. We understand what your counterparts in IT are going to demand of any Apps you want to bring into your enterprise. So we built in enterprise-grade security, scalability, and manageability into the Platform – factors that are particularly important if your App is going to connect with back-end ERP or CRM systems.

You can do it or we can help
Start with a Mobile app knowing that you can grow it at any time to keep pace with your business. We think that once you use a pre-built App and see how easy it is to customize if needed, you’ll want to become a customer. Check out the related Apps available as your expand the execution of your app deployment strategy – let us know how we can help.Logical steps for you to take:
- Watch this 14 minute video which will show you how easy it is to get started. It will step you through the "What you see is what you get" drag and drop editor (WYSIWYG).
- Read our customer testimonials
- Look through our Mobile app selections for immediate deployment , or search for our Apps in App stores
- Request a quote for a custom app.
- When you’re ready to have customers or co-workers use it, become a customer. You can do it yourself, ask for our help, or have us do it for you. Call us with any questions.
- Let us know how you do and any ideas you might have about what we can improve. We would like to hear from you.